
I am a Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellow investigating the consequences of climate change on Arctic marine mammals. Based between the University of California Santa Cruz (United States) and the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources (Denmark), my work uses biologging devices deployed on both wild populations and animals held in human-care to assess the behavioral and physiological responses of Arctic cetaceans to rising sea temperatures.


University of Strasbourg | Strasbourg, France

PhD in Quantitative Ecology & Oceanography (2017)

University Pierre et Marie Curie | Paris, France

MSc in Oceanography (2013)


University of California Santa Cruz, USA | Marie Curie postdoc fellow | Oct 2021-present

Aquarium La Rochelle, France | Postdoc fellow | Jan-Jun 2021

Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, Denmark | Postdoc fellow | May-Dec 2020

IFREMER - MARBEC, France | Postdoc fellow | Nov 2018-Apr 2020

University of the Azores - DOP, Portugal | Apr-Sep 2018

Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, Denmark | Postdoc fellow | Oct 2017-Apr 2018
